During a stopover, two guys share a table and a coffee.
The gap is wide, and very quickly their worlds collide !
BORDERLINE CROSSES THE VISIBLE AND INVISIBLE BORDERS that prevent us from meeting each other. When the différences in others disruptives our ways of being and our défense systems , how can we meet, overcome our prejudices, and cohabit in the same territory ?
WITH THE TOOLS OF PHYSICAL HUMOR, by synchronizing gestures and sounds, we have chosen a sensitive and minimalist writing. This visual whirlwind crosses the barriers of language to focus on what is universal : intention, movement, rhythm, the dance of the body, the heart and the mind.
THROUGH THIS SILENT SHOW, it is a question of communication, friendship, tolerance, complicity. Here, the two characters choose discovery by renouncing rivalry, conflict and war. They also tell us that he relationship with others remains a real challenge.
Valence Romans Agglo, DRAC AURA “Dispositif Été culturel”, SPEDIDAM, Fonpeps APAJ, FDVA Drôme, La Gare à Coulisses (26), Quai de scène (26), Maisons des arts de Barbières (26), Hicam (26) in France.