Legal Notice


LE CRi DU SONOTONE / 150 rue René Laënnec 26500 Bourg-les-Valence / FRANCE

Association 1901 – Siret : 493 747 984 00026 – APE: 9001Z

Licence Entrepreneur de spectacle : PLATESV-D-2020-003695

Web Design

Laurent Prat


Hostinger internation Ltd. / 61 Lordou Vironos Street 6023 Larnaca, Chypre


The texts, photographs, layout, graphic charter, brands, logo and other distinctive signs that appear on this site are protected by intellectual property rights and are the exclusive property of Le Cri du Sonotone. They may only be used with its prior authorization. Any partial or total representation of this site by any process whatsoever, without the express authorization of Le Cri du Sonotone, is prohibited and would constitute an infringement punishable by articles L.335-2 and the following of the Intellectual Property Code.


Credit photos : Anne-Cécile Hardy, David Laurent, Thierry Willemeare (page Company), Florence Roche (page Tailor-made) ,  Philippe Petiot (page EnQuête), Jules Gladieux (page Borderline)


English : Barbara O’Connell