Since its creation, the company has been regularly called upon to create artistic projects: guided tours, absurd and documented lectures, poetic performances in healthcare settings, street shows…
Each project is tailor-made and gives rise to an original writing.

Since 2006, the company has created :
- 9 eccentric cabarets in Valence (FRANCE, 26) from 2007 to 20159
- 6 eccentric cabarets in La Baume Cornillane (FRANCE, 26) from 2018 to 2023
- 1 inauguration of the Youth Center in Chambon-Feugerolles (FRANCE, 42) in 2009
- 1 monumental show in Chambon-Feugerolles (FRANCE, 42) in 2011
- 1 creation for the city of Chambon-Feugerolles (FRANCE) in 2013 as part of a “Neighborhood Memories” project
- 1 musical show “In the footsteps of Moussorgsky” for the Ensemble Carpe Diem (FRANCE, 38) in 2011
- 1 opera “Falstaff’s” with the Ensemble Carpe Diem in 2011 – programmed by the Berlioz Festival (FRANCE, 38) in 2011
- 14 tourist seasons programmed by the City of Viviers (FRANCE, 07) – Ghost tour in English since 2010
- 2 ghost tours for the city of Viviers (FRANCE, 07) in French in 2021 and 2022
- 4 performances in nursery house in Drôme (FRANCE) in 2021 and 2022
- 1 surrealist guided tour in Menil Collection in Houston (USA) – in 2017
- 1 performance for the city of Valence (FRANCE, 26) for the 100 years of conservation in 2013
- 3 Eloquence competitions for the colleges and high schools of Valence (FRANCE, 26) in 2019, 2021 and 2022
- 1 street performance for the MGEN of Drôme (FRANCE) in 2022
- Workshops about physical theatre, slapstick, improvisation for professionals and schools (improvisation leagues of Valence, Grâne, Lyon, schools, colleges and high schools of the Auvergne/Rhône-Alpes region, Les Monstrueuses rencontres Festival in Saint Donat-sur-L’Herbasse, theatre and circus companies, etc.) since 2006 in FRANCE and USA
- 1 acrobatic conference “The Katastrof Brothers” for Soliha Valence (FRANCE) in 2024

Surrealist Guided Tour at the Menil Collection in Houston ( USA) in 2017