Playwright and Artistic Director : Laurent Prat
Actors : Pascal Vochelet, Thomas Ostermann, Valérie Baudouin, Françoise Sourd, Marie-Ange Lelli, Francisco Cabello, Christophe Serpinet, Lionel Riou, Laurent Prat, Cathy Donin, Didier Pons, Olivier Germain-Noureux, Florian Lasne, Ivan Chary
Sound designers and Composers : Lionel Malric, Olivier Germain-Noureux, Cathy Donin, Francisco Cabello
Stage Directors : Françoise Sourd, Stéphane Jollard, Christophe Vallat, Didier Pons, Daphné Clouzeau, Amandine Barrillon
Technicians : Hélène Marseille, Lionel Malric, Olivier Germain-Noureux, Hayo Bouman
Light designers : Patricia Deschaumes, Stéphane Jollard, Christophe Vallat
Costume Designers : Patricia de Pétiville, Mathilde Brette
Booking : Camille Barrielle
Production : Cécile Ferréol
Friends :
Anne-Cécile Hardy, Markus Storper, Stéphane Jollard, Yves-Henri Guillonnet, Catherine Machto, Joël Vermet, Nelly Vermet, Barbara O’Connell, Alain Buisson, Sylvain Tassel, Muriel Laval, Guillaume Ruelland, Christophe Vallat, Anthony Fournier, Caroline Fornier, Christophe Mirabel, Sylvain Lubac, Bruno Martins, Sophie Maucourt, David Laurent, Mony Fournier.